Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spaghetti Squash Success!

So since this summer I've been working on eating healthier, and watching the number of calories I've been taking in each day. Through my Mind Body Barre program which I began the first cycle of on July 1st, I've learned healthier eating habits, and ways to balance the foods I love with food that is good for me. Since July 1st I've lost 17 pounds and a good number of inches. I feel amazing. Both physically and mentally. It's the best I've felt in a long, long time.

So I tried a new recipe last night, well not entirely new. I attempted once before but it was a complete and utter fail. I had heard a ton about spaghetti squash and using it as a substitute for pasta so I gave it a try last spring. I read about using a crock pot to cook the squash so I followed the instructions and when I returned from work (a little later than I had hoped) and sadly found a mushy mess in my pot. I couldn't even cleanly take it out of the crock pot, it fell apart and fell everywhere. Ugh. So needless to say I gave that idea pretty quickly.

Fast forward to grocery shopping this weekend and I thought, ok, I've done really well eating right, and am going to give this a go again. This time in the oven, not a crock pot. So I went to the section of the produce aisle that had squash, and went to grab the spaghetti squash. When I read the little sticker on the squash I realized that it wasn't a spaghetti squash. I had grabbed a butternut squash the last time, and attempted to cook that in my crock pot all. day. long. No wonder it didn't work!!! I literally cracked up in the middle of Shaw's and immediately texted my cousin to explain to her my hilarious mistake. I took the right squash and was on my way.

Last night I cooked the squash- successfully I might add- and used this recipe from Skinny Taste for roasted broccoli. I also cooked chicken breast to add as well. I'm not the world's greatest cook so I was thrilled that this came out good! I took a picture before I ate the whole thing and headed off to barre class. Yum!

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